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Adding fun and mystery to Halloween, snack foods, beverages, and other consumer packaged goods, this printed ink glows green after blacklight or UVA light exposure. Glow-in-the-dark packaging has become popular amongst major candy and chip brands to help them stand out against their competitors. 


Phosphorescence vS. Fluorescence
what’s the difference?


This happens when a material absorbs energy and gradually releases it. Phosphorescent inks used on consumer packaged goods (CPG) are called glow-in-the-dark. The brightness and duration of the glow are influenced by the amount of ink applied and the strength and duration of exposure to sunlight or UVA light. Stronger light charges the ink more quickly, while weaker light requires more time to achieve a noticeable glow-in-the-dark effect.



This happens when a material is excited by a specific wavelength of light (365 nanometers) and emits a different wavelength, determining its fluorescent color (green, yellow, red, blue, etc.). The ink remains invisible until exposed to UV light, causing it to fluoresce and become vibrant. This property makes fluorescent inks ideal for security, authentication, and batch traceability. Interestingly, phosphorescent glow-in-the-dark inks also exhibit fluorescence.

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